Servizi Professionali

Terapie logopediche e consulenze per l'allattamento, in presenza a Napoli o online.

a woman holding a baby in her lap
a woman holding a baby in her lap
Supporto Allattamento

Percorsi personalizzati per accompagnarti nel tuo allattamento

Terapie logopediche

Interventi a domicilio per bambini con difficoltà di alimentazione e deglutizione

Sostegno Familiare

Supporto per l'allattamento e l'alimentazione infantile a Napoli.

A baby wearing a headband with a bow is nursing. The baby is looking directly at the camera. The setting appears to be intimate and close, with soft lighting.
A baby wearing a headband with a bow is nursing. The baby is looking directly at the camera. The setting appears to be intimate and close, with soft lighting.
Assistenza Domiciliare

Sostegno alle famiglie con bambini in difficoltà alimentare.

A young child wearing a pink shirt is engrossed in eating something creamy, with a dollop on their nose and mouth. The child holds a small, clear cup in one hand and has creamy fingers. Two adults are partially visible on either side, perhaps helping or watching the child.
A young child wearing a pink shirt is engrossed in eating something creamy, with a dollop on their nose and mouth. The child holds a small, clear cup in one hand and has creamy fingers. Two adults are partially visible on either side, perhaps helping or watching the child.
Consulenza Logopedica

Percorsi personalizzati per difficoltà di alimentazione e deglutizione.

A woman is breastfeeding a baby, holding the child gently in her arms. Her gaze is directed downwards, and she wears a patterned outfit with a large pendant necklace. The scene appears intimate and nurturing.
A woman is breastfeeding a baby, holding the child gently in her arms. Her gaze is directed downwards, and she wears a patterned outfit with a large pendant necklace. The scene appears intimate and nurturing.
A toddler with blue eyes sits in a high chair, eating from a blue plate containing pieces of food and a sliced banana held by an adult's hand. The child appears cheerful and is reaching out towards the camera. A green cup with a tiger illustration is on the table. The background shows a home setting with a white wall, a refrigerator, and shelves with various items.
A toddler with blue eyes sits in a high chair, eating from a blue plate containing pieces of food and a sliced banana held by an adult's hand. The child appears cheerful and is reaching out towards the camera. A green cup with a tiger illustration is on the table. The background shows a home setting with a white wall, a refrigerator, and shelves with various items.
Cure Palliative

Supporto specializzato per bambini con necessità particolari.

Formazione Allattamento

Corsi per famiglie per un allattamento consapevole e sereno.

Floriana è stata fondamentale nel supportare mio figlio durante il suo percorso di alimentazione. Grazie di cuore!

Maria Rossi

A baby is breastfeeding, nestled against a person wearing a patterned garment. The baby appears peaceful and content.
A baby is breastfeeding, nestled against a person wearing a patterned garment. The baby appears peaceful and content.
An illustrated scene featuring two women and a child in ancient-style clothing. One woman is seated, holding the child on her lap, while the other woman stands, extending a large container labeled 'milk food' towards them. The setting appears decorative with a patterned background.
An illustrated scene featuring two women and a child in ancient-style clothing. One woman is seated, holding the child on her lap, while the other woman stands, extending a large container labeled 'milk food' towards them. The setting appears decorative with a patterned background.
